The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

Our Worship Team has a passion for God that is openly on display through the amazing talent that God has given them.
It's always an exciting and moving time in the presence of the Lord.
God's Word
God has appointed and anointed many outstanding people to stand in the pulpit here. And they all have one thing in common, they preach and teach the uncompromised Word of God, no watered-down messages. 
We have been in Toms River NJ for over 40 years. We have a heart for our community and endeavor to extend God's love to all people.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

10:00 am

wednesday Evenings

7:00 pm

Recent Livestreams

If you missed our live broadcast, you catch our most recent livestreams here. All of our past videos are available on our YouTube Channel AGCTV1.

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