How it all started...
Pastor Anthony Storino was born in Newark, New Jersey in January 1949 and grew up in the Pine Beach and Toms River areas. He, along with his father and brothers, were local businessmen in Toms River since 1955. In 1982 Pastor Storino answered the call of God on his life to enter the ministry. He moved with his wife, Carol, and three sons, Anthony, Eddie, and Joseph, to Broken Arrow Oklahoma where he and his wife attended RHEMA Bible Training Center, Kenneth Hagin Ministries.
Upon graduating from RHEMA in 1984, they returned to their home in Toms River and began Abundant Grace Church, a full Gospel Interdenominational Church. Their vision was to reach the community of Toms River and Ocean County with a message of Love and Hope for ALL People. Pastor Storino was the United States, North East Regional Director for RHEMA Ministerial Association International , an organization whereby ministers are licensed and ordained with a system of accountability. There are more than 2500 Pastors, Itinerate Ministers, and Missionaries throughout the world in RMAI.
Pastor Storino believed that a strong family structure is vital to a healthy community. If we strengthen our families, we strengthen our community. Young people, today more than ever, are searching for a purpose for their lives. Pastor Storino believed that everyone has a purpose to fulfill and wanted to help young people discover this purpose, because their lives are important and they do matter.
Pastor Storino and Abundant Grace Church purchased the former Moravian Church at 108 Indian Head Rd. (Rt. 571) Toms River in December 1994. There has been a gradual increase in attendance weekly because of the full Gospel that is preached is a message of prosperity for man’s spirit, his soul, and his body; the total man, and God is interested in the total man. This is Good News and people need Good News.
Since the inception of Abundant Grace Church in 1984, they have reached out to the community with a clothing and food pantry, a soup kitchen, FREE Family Fall Festivals with food, games, rides, and prizes held in Huddy Park; and now they continue to reach out to the community through their facility which houses a Gymnasium, a Youth Center, and The Manna Cafe and coffee bar. In December of 2020 Pastor Anthony Storino entered his eternal reward in Heaven. His wife Carol Storino, his son Pastor Eddie and the rest of the Abundant Grace staff are dedicated to carry on his mission of bringing the Love of God to a lost community.
Upon graduating from RHEMA in 1984, they returned to their home in Toms River and began Abundant Grace Church, a full Gospel Interdenominational Church. Their vision was to reach the community of Toms River and Ocean County with a message of Love and Hope for ALL People. Pastor Storino was the United States, North East Regional Director for RHEMA Ministerial Association International , an organization whereby ministers are licensed and ordained with a system of accountability. There are more than 2500 Pastors, Itinerate Ministers, and Missionaries throughout the world in RMAI.
Pastor Storino believed that a strong family structure is vital to a healthy community. If we strengthen our families, we strengthen our community. Young people, today more than ever, are searching for a purpose for their lives. Pastor Storino believed that everyone has a purpose to fulfill and wanted to help young people discover this purpose, because their lives are important and they do matter.
Pastor Storino and Abundant Grace Church purchased the former Moravian Church at 108 Indian Head Rd. (Rt. 571) Toms River in December 1994. There has been a gradual increase in attendance weekly because of the full Gospel that is preached is a message of prosperity for man’s spirit, his soul, and his body; the total man, and God is interested in the total man. This is Good News and people need Good News.
Since the inception of Abundant Grace Church in 1984, they have reached out to the community with a clothing and food pantry, a soup kitchen, FREE Family Fall Festivals with food, games, rides, and prizes held in Huddy Park; and now they continue to reach out to the community through their facility which houses a Gymnasium, a Youth Center, and The Manna Cafe and coffee bar. In December of 2020 Pastor Anthony Storino entered his eternal reward in Heaven. His wife Carol Storino, his son Pastor Eddie and the rest of the Abundant Grace staff are dedicated to carry on his mission of bringing the Love of God to a lost community.

Expanding the vision...
We continue to look outside the walls of the church, with a heart for our community we are always looking for ways to reach out to those in need. We endeavor to meet their needs spiritually, as well as, emotionally and physically.
Where we are headed...
Pastor Eddie Storino was saved at age 7. In 1991 he graduated from Rhema Bible Bible Training Center in Broken Arrow, OK. He returned to New Jersey and met his wife Melissa in 1995. They were married in 1997 and that same year Melissa attended Rhema Bible Training Center, graduating in 1999.
They have both been involved with Abundant Grace Church since that time. They have three beautiful daughters who are also involved in the ministry. Pastor Eddie has always been a civic-minded individual exemplified by his 20 years of service as a volunteer firefighter in Toms River. Of those 20 years he served 6 years as an officer and 4 years as Fire Chief.
In the fall of 2020 Pastor Eddie was working closely with his father to transition into the Senior Pastor position. That transition was expedited due to the untimely passing of his father in December of that year.
Pastor Eddie continues to lead Abundant Grace Church as his father did, by preaching the uncompromised Word of God, making this church a beacon of light in Ocean County. He has a heart to teach the church how to grow up spiritually through the direction of the Holy Spirit and, as always, giving all glory and honor to God.
They have both been involved with Abundant Grace Church since that time. They have three beautiful daughters who are also involved in the ministry. Pastor Eddie has always been a civic-minded individual exemplified by his 20 years of service as a volunteer firefighter in Toms River. Of those 20 years he served 6 years as an officer and 4 years as Fire Chief.
In the fall of 2020 Pastor Eddie was working closely with his father to transition into the Senior Pastor position. That transition was expedited due to the untimely passing of his father in December of that year.
Pastor Eddie continues to lead Abundant Grace Church as his father did, by preaching the uncompromised Word of God, making this church a beacon of light in Ocean County. He has a heart to teach the church how to grow up spiritually through the direction of the Holy Spirit and, as always, giving all glory and honor to God.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am and Wednesdays at 7pm.